What Do the Turkeys Say This Year?

Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without a list of what we're thankful for, even if it's half coerced and half made up.

What Do the Turkeys Say This Year?

Welcome to our second annual Thanksgiving post, in which we ask tell beg our team members to let us know what they’re particularly thankful for this holiday. As always, not that many people answered, so I got back at them by picking a few and making up what I assumed would be their answers.

See CharityEngine in action.

Meliha Zekovic is our sort-of new Product Marketing Manager. She says she’s thankful for family, but we know she’s secretly thankful she’s perfected her manic sprint from the kindergarten bus stop to her desk just in time for our daily 9:04 am meeting. 🏃

Jessica Mocha-Piel, CharityEngine’s Implementation Supervisor, is thankful that her Christmas decorations are up and (related) that her husband did not fall off the roof while hanging lights at 2 am. 🎄

Kenny Nguyen, our Systems Engineer, is really thankful he gets a few days away from staff IT complaints, most of which could be avoided if we knuckleheads would restart our computers before calling him. 💻

An anonymous team member is supremely grateful her in-laws (who have been living with her for months) are almost out of her house. I promise I didn't make that one up. 🧐

Tim Seppi, a CharityEngine Account Executive, is thankful he learned how to do the Texas Two Step before he moved to the Lone Star State. And he’s thankful he has a girlfriend to dance with him so he doesn’t look weird.🕺

Megan Gill, our Director of Professional Services, is thankful for the Foo Fighters…and even more thankful she got tickets to their concert next year. 🎶

Michaela Hyden, a CharityEngine Technical Project Manager, is thankful for the usual (friends, family), the unusual (fellow soccer players), the obligatory (coworkers), and the honest (stretchy pants). 👖

Dave Martin, VP of Marketing, is thankful his youngest is definitely going to college. Somewhere. #EarlyApplicationsForTheWin 🎓

Karen Rosen, Senior Business Development Representative, is NOT thankful she gave up wine to get healthy. She IS thankful she’s lost ten pounds and plans to celebrate with a glass of wine. (It makes sense.) 🍷

Phil Schmitz, our CEO, is thankful that the three-foot-long iguanas that prowl outside his windows are, in fact, outside.🦎

Daniel Escorcia, CharityEngine’s VP of Finance, is grateful he’s counting beans from his new home in Florida, where it really is sunny and 75 every single day. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️

Will Hicks, a Business Development Representative, is thankful (and, frankly, probably shocked) the Denver Broncos have won their past four games because the start of the season was pretty sketchy. 🏈

Alexis Langley, Customer Experience Manager, is thankful she gets to be a real adult and host Thanksgiving dinner for far-flung relatives. 🦃

John Coogan, VP of Client Services, is thankful for industrial-strength hair products. 🏋️ 👨‍🦱

Tom Wilkey, Director of IT, is thankful for his new wife and that all his friends wore Hawaiian shirts to his wedding so they could look just like him. There were fake mustaches, too. I suppose he’s also thankful he found friends who share his sense of humor. 🌺👕🍹

As for me? I’m thankful I don’t get fired for having a terribly irreverent 💀 sense of humor. 😆

Happy Thanksgiving to all!