Introducing January 2024 Product Enhancements

Embark on the new year with a bang as we introduce upgraded year-end statements, a 'Buy Now' feature in online auctions, and an improved batch payment entry. And for those engaged in advocacy, rest assured – we've got you covered with the latest district maps.

Introducing January 2024 Product Enhancements

Our latest updates are crafted to streamline processes, enhance flexibility, and give you more control over your operations. In this blog post, we'll dive into the details of key product enhancements that promise to impact how you manage and optimize your tasks significantly. 

See CharityEngine in action.


Improved Year-End Statements

In this update, we've improved the process of generating year-end tax statements. We are proud to introduce a new statement template that effortlessly displays itemized giving history for households, individuals, and organizations. Furthermore, household statements can now showcase itemized contributions from all household members. Discover the full extent of these improvements in our detailed help center article, ensuring a smoother year-end reporting process for you and your supporters. January 2024 Product Release Screenshots


Buy Now Option for Auctions 

Introducing the "Buy Now" option for online auctions! Clients hosting online auctions can now allow supporters to skip bidding and purchase auctioned items immediately at a premium price. This feature enhancement enables organizations to increase fundraising and provides auction participants with flexible and convenient options.

Buy Now Frontend


Enhanced Batch Payment Entry

Efficiency is critical, and our enhanced batch payment entry feature is here to prove it. Say farewell to the hassle of managing separate entries for checks and cash payments. Our payment batch entry now seamlessly supports the combined entry of both checks and cash. Clients no longer have to perform two separate batch entries for checks and cash payments. This time-saving feature enhances the efficiency of your payment entry processes, streamlining your workflow for greater convenience. Batch Entry


Advocacy Data Updates  

Mark your calendars! On January 15, 2024, we're rolling out an update to our advocacy application, specifically focusing on refreshed district maps. Noteworthy changes include new district maps for four states: Virginia, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Remember that legislator data is updated monthly as officials are sworn into office. 

We hope the January 2024 product enhancements empower you to achieve more and streamline your operations effortlessly. Stay tuned for more updates!