New Payment Processing Capabilities from CharityEngine

Bank transfers, such as checks, can now be processed in-house. This means big value for clients!

It’s no secret that CharityEngine is always looking for ways we can help nonprofit clients change the world, and we’re excited to announce a big update to the way we process checks.
Without getting technical, we’ve always served as a payment gateway for electronic fund transfers, such as checks. We have developed the ability to offer in-house banking capabilities, making our solution even more comprehensive and consolidated for our clients.
What does this mean? Most often, money has to bounce around a few places after a donor hands you a check. It works well, but there are a few benefits when CharityEngine can offer in-house processing of bank transfers.
Our clients will enjoy:
- Better customer service. If you have a question, we don’t need to run it up the flagpole...we answer it ourselves.
- Better security for your data and your money. Simply put, both are touched by fewer parties and stored in fewer places, leaving them less vulnerable.
- Better rates, because there aren’t additional parties tacking on charges.
- More control so you get funded faster and there’s less red tape for donors trying to give you gifts.
- More insights so you can have better access to understand declined transactions.
Our PCI-certified payment processing abilities are already industry-leading, and this development underscores our position as the best choice for nonprofits needing high-volume payments processed quickly, securely, and at the lowest rates possible.
What are some other ways we help nonprofits keep the dollars they raise? Our Billing Engine features:
- The ability to collect on missed payments faster with automated credit card updaters, better access to detailed decline codes, and strategic control for rebilling—leading to improved collective rates.
- A subscription billing service that empowers clients to control their billing. CharityEngine’s strategic tactics and tools mitigate drop-off rates.
- Enterprise security systems working behind the scenes to increase donor participation while mitigating risk for the nonprofit. Highlights include SOC 2 certification for data management, PCI certification for financial transactions, and patented fraud protection.
Can your nonprofit CRM do all that? If you want to see Charity Engine in action, book a demo or take a peek at what it looks like to work with us. We'd love to show you what we can do.
Whether we are helping you raise (and keep!) money, giving you the tools to engage with your donors in the way that works for them, or counseling you on the most efficient ways to make your organization’s voice heard, we are your partner.
We support charities of all sizes, so if you bring in an average of $6 million a month (like our largest sustainer client) or much smaller sums that will get bigger over time, we will be with you every step of the way. We will always help your nonprofit grow, but you’ll never outgrow our capabilities and dedication to making your organization successful.